2006 | 72 Pages | ISBN: 0030396328 | PDF | 3.3 MB
Welcome to the unit Packages and Polygons. Have you ever wondered why certain items come in differently shaped packages? The next time you are in a grocery store, look at how things are packaged. Why do you think table salt comes in a cylindrical package? Which packages do you think are the most practical? Geometric shapes are everywhere. Look at the skyline of a big city. Can you see different shapes? Why do you think some buildings are built using one shape and some using another?
In this unit, you will explore a variety of two- and three-dimensional shapes and learn how they are related. You will build models of these shapes using heavy paper, or straws and pipe cleaners, or gumdrops and toothpicks. As you work through the unit, notice the shapes of objects around you. Think about how the ideas you are learning in class apply to those shapes. We hope you enjoy your investigations into packages and polygons.